Welcome to 2021, and to a renewed energy for competing!
Expect masks, social distancing, and limited audiences but competitions should be BACK and will take full swing around March-April after the Arnold Competition in Columbus, Ohio.
You can start to see many shows already being added to the 2021 season, look for them at websites such as NPC News Online, NPC Mid-Atlantic Zone, or Gary Udit.com. Many times you can find local shows in your area, or within just a few hours commute. I used to like to compete locally as well as in bordering states to get in front of different judges and competitors and just have a change of scenery!
Take this time to pick out a few shows and make them visible! Post them by your workstation, refrigerator, or mirror so you always have that goal right in front of you. Just knowing you will get onstage in a skimpy suit is sometimes enough reminder to leave that cheesecake in the refrigerator or leave that glass of wine in the bottle!
One of the most under estimated things is POSING! Start now by practicing in front of a mirror, get feedback from your coach or trainer, or sign up for a posing class by you. As a judge, I can tell when someone is not practiced, and it’s too bad knowing that people invested so much money and time in training, nutrition, suits, and tanning yet overlooked investing in presenting their best physique from a lack of posing practice.
It’s just a small number of people that actually do see it through to actually compete, so remember you a winner just for stepping on that stage! Train hard, expect greatness, and believe in yourself!